Office of the Dean for Research

Supporting Princeton's research endeavors

From the advancement of mathematical theory and sociological understanding to the development of cleaner-burning fuels and novel electronic devices, research at Princeton aims to advance the frontiers of human knowledge and improve societal well-being.


The Office of the Dean for Research supports the University's research community by enabling Princeton's scholars to do their best work. In particular, the University research administration is dedicated to:

  • Helping researchers compete effectively for research funding and assisting with the establishment of new partnerships
  • Providing resources to enable innovation and exploration of new concepts and ideas
  • Enabling the transfer of Princeton discoveries to benefit society and protecting University intellectual property rights
  • Setting policies and shaping the University’s research agenda
  • Providing administrative management and subject-matter expertise to ensure that research is conducted in an ethical and responsible manner, and in compliance with applicable University policies and federal, state, and local regulations

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