
Our mission is to encourage, facilitate and promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and partnerships that will enhance the quality and impact of research and teaching at Princeton University. We aim to enhance and support humanity through a well integrated and nurtured innovation ecosystem that serves to improve the quality of life for all.

Our Core Values


Innovation at Princeton is encouraged, facilitated and nurtured in a manner that bridges and builds on the strengths of all in the innovation ecosystem.


We have unwavering commitment to our community of researchers and entrepreneurs to build a culture that supports innovation.


Innovation is a societal process which is enhanced by participation of all. We are committed to diversity as an integral part of innovation.


The only thing that remains constant is that everything changes. We will measure progress and impact of our programs and evolve accordingly.


Our mission requires us to be bold in thought and in action for Princeton Innovation to realize its potential to have a global impact.


We will  engage the external community. We will be open to change. We will be open to innovation.

Our Priorities

Enable faculty and researchers to translate their work into commercial or non-profit ventures by providing training and support

Expand external partnerships by making the University more welcoming and inviting

Build a culture supportive of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst our community 

Promote awareness and success of the University’s innovation and entrepreneurship activities and signal to partners our openness via greater communication