Patents and Tech Transfer

Princeton researchers make numerous groundbreaking discoveries that have the potential to transform areas such as healthcare, transportation, energy and the environment.  

To help University research become the solutions to societal and global challenges, Princeton works to connect our faculty researchers and their teams with investors, entrepreneurs and industry partners. Princeton's Office of Technology Licensing is the starting point for the transformation of University discoveries into new products, services and entities that provide societal benefit in a manner consistent with Princeton University’s emphasis on preeminent research, education and dedication to public service.

Discoveries emerging from university research tend to be at an early-stage that requires further development and investment. Princeton's Office of Technology Licensing helps find external investors and licensees for these discoveries. This enables faculty to continue to do cutting-edge exploratory research while transitioning to external entities the work needed to bring a promising discovery to the public. Patent protections give businesses and entrepreneurs the confidence to license, invest in and develop university discoveries into marketable products, knowing that no competitor can use those discoveries for a certain period of time. This process is central to promoting economic growth and ensuring the University research has the potential to benefit the world.

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Princeton Innovation Partners

Meet the offices at Princeton that work with patents and technology transfer.

Office of Technology Licensing and New Ventures

Explore ways to connect investors and entrepreneurs with Princeton's cutting-edge technologies and researchers.